Custom Web Design & Development
I love the web and web technology. Since 2001, I've approached every project with a personal, custom approach. No pre-made templates, no fancy plugins. Custom website design and development. I spend the time to understand your brand, who your vistors are and build unique experiences for every single hand-crafted website.
Colonial Park Rotary Scholarship Foundation

Colonial Park Rotary Scholarship Foundation approached me with a classic symptom – a spreadsheet nightmare. For the past several years, the Foundation had hundreds of students applying for dozens of scholarships, by hand. While a student could apply for multiple scholarships, their process was to have a student download and print a Word Document, fill it out, scan it and email it. If the student wished to apply for multiple scholarships, they had to repeat the process for each scholarship.
On the administrative side, there were multiple committees, each containing multiple committee members. When a scholarship application was received, the committee chair would circulate the submitted application and scoring spreadsheet. This created a very tedious process. Nixonmedia was approached to provide a solution to make the application and scoring process a better experience.
After weeks of planning and understanding, I provided a solution that saved hundreds of hours for both the students and the committee members. Students were able to complete a profile once and apply for multiple scholarships. Committee Chairpersons are automatically emailed when a student applies and each chairperson can now easily score each application from the front-end of the application.
In addition to the application and scoring processes, custom reporting was developed to allow administrators and board members to evaluate Total Applications Per School, Total Applications by Scholarship, Number of Students Applying and more.
The best part, it’s developed completely with custom PHP and fully managed within Worpdress.